Thursday, July 20, 2006

Preach it

Okay, so tonight as I was waiting at a stoplight on Elm Creek Blvd. I saw something that made me roll my eyes and laugh. There was a guy holding up a sign that on one side read "The wages of sin is death" and on the other side said "God's free gift is Eternal Life" or something close to that. You know, that verse in Romans... sorry, I've never been very good at scripture memory.
Anyways, if I wasn't a wuss and HAD automatic windows, I really wanted to yell out to him... "yeah, I know, so what's your point... and what do you think you're accomplishing by holding up your banner on a street corner."
This is no new or irregular news... christians do stupid things all the time in the name of Jesus, and it makes me sad. I guess I'm just noticing more how much it bothers me.
Contrast that with last night...
This awesome group of about 12 young people from South Africa came to praise and share with our youth group about their side of the world. Their worship was beautiful and energizing... reminiscent of Heart of the City... joy and soul coming out of their toes and all for Jesus Christ, not at all to put on a show. They shared with us an amazing story of their lives in Capetown, actually the slums of Capetown, I forget what they called it.. something " Estates" but it's nothing like estates at all. It's horrible poverty in the corner of an incredibly wealthy and beautiful city. I can't describe it all, but I was moved to tears as these young people stood up in front of us and talked of their horrific experiences. What made this so impactful to me, besides the stories and incredible worship, was the fact that this video they shared started out saying "we're not doing this to raise money, make you feel guilty, or any of that, it's to share what our life is and to celebrate love, God's love and power and miracles" -my paraphrase. It was a confirmation to my soul about where my spirit and passion for people lies.

Thank you Jesus, for this amazing ministry you have started in CapeTown South Africa, I pray for the pastor, that you would raise him up and give him strength and wisdom and continued support in whatever way he needs it. I thank you for the words you spoke to me, through them, last night.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Amen Sis!!!!

It is so cool to hear about people who get it, its not just religion!!! I so wish everyone was open to embracing life and Christ like those young people! You are so cool Sis! Love ya