Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just Design it!

That's a terrible play on words... or I don't even know if it's a play on words... it's instead of "Just Do it"... you know, Nike.

Anyways... I've kicked myself in the butt and decided that the only best time to start this free-lancing I keep talking about is NOW. The present... if I don't just start, I'll never do anything, it'll always be... "I'll start when I get a full time job, or when the summer ends, or when pigs fly... basically... and I don't want that to happen.

SO...... here we go... I don't know exactly where the best place is to start, except that figuring out a name for myself, my company is probably a good place. That's where I get stuck... Lisa's Designs is boring... I want something that's me, but isn't overboard. Anybody out there like to play with words or come up with ideas?? Heelllp!

What do you need from me to help YOU brainstorm? Let me know...



Anonymous said...

what kind of designs you are going to do? no, i know a lots of different things.. but i mean, like, what kind of a brand you want to make yourself into (I know this sounds terrible and SO commercial but i guess thats the way business works..)?
something edgy? controversial? laid-back?
what's your dream target group? to whom would you like to design stuff?

haha sry lise I always wanted to become a copywriter and make up slogans and such so I'd love to brainstorm, tell me if I'm going overboard:D
happy to hear from you even a little bit.
love you loads my big sister.
Henna xxx

Anonymous said...

Lisa: Artsy, bohemian style, earthy, laid back,
Have you tried a theasurus?
Sometimes that can help get the words flowing....
Anyway we will chat about it soon...I will think about it while I'm hard (hahaha) at work. Loves ya ~K~