Monday, January 02, 2006

definitely random... news... blogger books... snowmen..

• New anchor on Kare 11... Who is this Mike guy anyways?
I've been a pretty loyal fan to Kare11 for most of my news-watching life, which I'd say is about 10-15years or so. I don't consistently watch the news, but when I can, I do and it's just not the same if it's not Kare11. So, when all this change started with Ken Barlow and Frank Vascellero leaving, I have to admit I was a little disapointed. So, I'm skeptical of this new Mike Pomeranz, but he seems to be pretty MN saavy, etc... check out his bio on, and see for yourself :).

• Blogging Book at Borders...
I was strolling through Borders tonight, looking at some Graphic Design and Web Design books, and as I skimmed the shelves my eye caught a book with the title put simply "Blogging." It made me laugh because I wondered who needed a book about Blogging, it's pretty easy to set up with the step by step instructions. Despite my initial mocking, I picked it up and began to skim the pages. I surprised myself in thinking, hmm, should I get this?... this thought came to me because I still have yet to figure out how to get a fricken picture on my profile page. It's easy to get them into the body of a post, but they make you go through a bunch of rig-a-ma-roll for the profile pic. Why do I need a photo hosting site, JUST for a picture on my profile? Picasa/Hello or whatever that thing is doesn't work for Macs... (stupid) and I can't seem to get it to connect to my .mac homepage which holds a few pictures. WHATEVER... I didn't buy it though, because I knew I wouldn't use all the info in it for what it was worth. It was interesting to realize that Blogging has been around long enough for a book to be published about it. It seems I'm a wee babe in this blogging world... always learning :).

• Snowmen
I just thought I'd share my snowman story. It's not that exciting, but just thought I'd leave you with a laugh...
I took the day off friday, and as all of the Minnesotans know, we got a beautiful new layer of fluffy white and wet snow to add to our already pretty large portion. Every other time it has snowed this year, when it was really good sticky snow, I've been at work or been really busy. Whenever I'm at work I say (sometimes aloud even) I just want to go home and make a snowman. I went about my day doing mostly mundane things, until I was driving back from Target and remembered my thought of the previous snowfalls... I just want to make a snowman. I questioned myself, it I really would find it fun... especially doing this all alone, but I went inside (waited for the snowplow guys to leave) put my snow gear on and, yes, made a snowman. This turned out to be a lovely snowman, though I had to be creative with the detailing... black olives for eyes, a carrot nose and celery for arms. The olives were not so fun to make stick for the eyes, so I couldn't imagine trying to make a mouth out of them. Instead, being the painter I am, I got out my tempera paints and put a red smile on him. Of course he also has a hat on his head, a scarf, and mittens on the ends of his extremities. (though one slid off because the celery drooped already) :(

With that, I'm signing off... the moral of the last story is... "You're never too old to be a kid!"

1 comment:

Erin Bennett said...

Sounds delicious! :) You are way too cute and creative. Wish I could have joined you!