Saturday, June 04, 2005

Memorial Day

On the evening of memorial day I went to see the fireworks at Harriett Island in St. Paul. I love fireworks, and they were a great start to a season of fireworks to come. The thing I love about those is that K102 puts together a montage of songs(not country!!) and spoken word tributing to veterans and present soldiers, etc. If you haven't noticed already, I am a big music junkie and it just grabs me and speaks in ways that plain words can't. I never quite know how I am going to react, and sometimes I don't understand fully why tears come.
I've never been one to feel like a huge patriotic parader, especially after my first trip to Haiti. I remember hearing the song "God Bless America" I cringed inside as I watched fireworks with a group of friends. I had tears, but not of pride and loyalty to my country, I was angry and didn't understand why America should be so blessed. Why wasn't it Haiti, Belize, India, Uganda, or Kenya that God blessed?
So, again, while watching these fireworks and hearing "I'm Proud to Be An American" the tears come. I try to figure out why because it's not those same feelings I had 6 or so years ago. I think it partly has to do with music just speaking to my soul in a way I don't understand, and also because I (in the case of this song) translate "proud" into thankful. I'm grateful to all of the troops fighting, and for the ones who have fought before them. I still don't understand, but I'm incredibly thankful to God that He has put me in this place of freedom. I'm so thankful, that I want to do everything I can, to serve and honor Him and use what He has given me. And really, to kind of answer that question I pondered years back, it's not that God hasn't blessed them. As wise men have said, this world is filled with good AND evil. The question could really spin off into one of those Sovreignty of God talks... which is more than I want to tackle or start at this point(especially since it's midnight). The point is... I don't know. Only God knows... one day all of the questions will be answered. Until then, I'm not going to make myself crazy trying to figure it out.


david said...

First off, a disclaimer: I am very patriotic and am very proud to be an American.

I understand you are saying you wish other nations had the oppertunities of the U.S., I don't think anyone would disagree with you there.

I might come across a little heartless here, but I get a little frustrated with embarrasement or shame for what America has accomplished. America didn't happen because a bunch of people prayed for it to be blessed and it was done. It took a lot of hard work, a lot of blood shed, and a government founded on Biblical principles for America to position it self for greatness. Something no other country has been able to do.

Again, I don't question your love for the country, I just think there are a lot of good reasons why it isn't Haiti, Belize, India, Uganda, or Kenya that are in our position.

david said...

Yay! Coldplay! X&Y! Yay!

Excellent, now the mood is lightened.

Lisa said...

I mentioned this in an email too, but to clarify again... I want to make sure it is known that I am not ashamed or embarrassed for what America has accomplished. For those things you have stated, I would have to say that I am proud of that fact.
There are definitely reasons why those other countries have been in the state they are in, but I just wish it could be different. I guess I'm just an optimist, I try to see the good and wish for the good in situations.
It's the greedy Americans that I'm ashamed of, the ones who role around in their pimped out caddy's with not a care besides themselves in the world. Or the Americans who go over to other countries and just try to conventionalize them into Americans without considering WHO it is they are going to help, etc.

To both... OH YES... coldplay is here... and it keeps growing on me with every listen. love that Chris Martin wail! :)