Sunday, August 28, 2005


so today i went to the pool to sun bathe and in trying to put my chair back down into the reclining position I pinched mmy pointer finger. BAD... there are about 50-100 little blood vessels that burst... and 7hours later it is still softly throbing.

it doesn't help i'm trying to type.. needless to say, it takes a lot longer to type with a thrwobbing finger.

do you know how much you use it?? It's crazy... I think I could've gotten by a little better if it were my wring finger... oh yeah, and it's on the right hand... makes mousing a great obstacle as well... I guess my flicker offer finger will work for that :)... since really it isn't used much for that anyways :) haha... anyhoo- i'll be putting myself out of misery now.
good night


Erin Bennett said...

I love your clutiness. It's cute. :)

Erin Bennett said...

I clearly meant clutziness, not clutiness. Whatever clutiness is!

Lisa said...

:) thanks... i do my best to make it cute..

david said...

I seem to stub my toe every 30 seconds. Always my left toe. Sometimes I wonder if Satan himself invented the left toe just to drive me mad.

Clutzes unite!