Friday, April 01, 2005


Well, I've got to brag a bit... it's rare that I brag a lot about achievements, etc. And, this isn't that big of a deal, but this month's CCM magazine features a band from Mpls. named "Shofar" and I created a full page ad that is running in it. When I first started my design job I always dreamed of creating artwork that would end up on a shelf somewhere. In the past five years I've been there, the dream has become less and less important to me. I think it comes from working in the field so long, you realize that no matter if it gets to the shelf or not, you've still produced a work of art. And in this case, I don't have any control of getting it on a bookshelf, that's the band's job. :)
All that to say, it's still an achievement nonetheless and it's kind of cool. So, if you happen to be at your local christian bookstore, you might want to pick up April's issue of CCM and page through to about the middle (it's in the INDIE SPOTLIGHT pages) and check it out!

Have a wonderful night/day/morning... whatever the case may be.


Erin Bennett said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That's awesome. I look forward to checking it out. My big accomplishment this week is that pink slips are all out and I didn't get one! :)

david said...

That is awesome! Would you mind bringing a copy to youth group this wednesday? I probably won't be getting to the bookstore in the near future and it would be cool to see it!

david said...

One other thing, you link in your profile to your webpage, but then there is nothing to see without a password. So why link to it if you don't want anyone to see it? Maybe it is just me, but that seems a bit odd.

Lisa said...

Hello David,
I don't know why I left that link on profile. Just to see if how I did it worked, even though there's nothing there. Kinda silly, I should take it off. :) I told my boss that you went to our website and was curious why we didn't have any samples. He said, "Did you tell him to shut-up"...(in a very sarcastic and joking way:))

Lisa said...

bummer about the pink slips!? i think i heard black is the new pink anyways :) haha

Erin Bennett said...

Hi again. Actually pink slips mean you have probably lost your job. I'm thankful I didn't get one. :)

Lisa said...

Ooo, I thought it kind of funny. Just didn't tie in the teacher thing. Crazy me... Well congrats! Ang just heard she'll be able to start back next year too! yay! :)