Monday, April 04, 2005

Sleep and Computers (i don't know what to call it)

Why is it that I can be soooo tired, but still be able to function enough to type and waste time on my stupid computer. I mean, it's really not stupid, I really love my iMac. I'm super thankful for it, but sometimes it can suck me in for far too long. I really only mean to do one quick thing, and BAM an hour has passed. I think it's that I get side tracked... keep thinking of things I could do, like this. Read blogs and post them... because it is interesting to see what my friends have to say, but gosh darn it, I get sucked in and like I said... minutes turn into hours real quick! Owell... this was a boring blog... but i've decided it doesn't really matter... it's whatever i want it to be.

good night to whomever may read this!


david said...

Don't get so down on the computers, if your time is productive it is not wasted! And is there really such a thing as wasted time when you are looking at such a nice screen as yours? What I wouldn't give to hook up a mac wide screen LCD to my PC!

Lisa said...

Yeah, I know... it is a nice monitor. No complaints about that here. Are Mac monitors compatible with PC computers? Because I was under the impression that a lot of monitors are universal? I could be way off here, though. :)

david said...

Yeah, mac monitors can be used with PCs. Back in the day you needed a converter to make it work, now they use a standard DVI plug. The downside of your system though is that you have that super sweet monitor and you can't take it to any other machine :(