Tuesday, April 05, 2005


For the past couple days I've had my window open here at work and today I noticed something I hadn't before. We never really stop and think about how our surroundings really sound. Maybe some people do, but usually we just hear one annoying sound and then close the window or just one thing sticks out. Well, today I was just taking in all the sounds of downtown Anoka. It made me think of Haiti, because when I'm there I tend to sit and really take in everything. I notice the sounds the trucks make, and the honking of horns, dogs fighting, chickens squabling or just making their chicken sounds. So, this morning it is interesting because right now I hear some big trucks going by, Metro Transit buses, dogs barking, and kids playing at the near-by school yard. Some sounds are different, some the same, I just never stopped to take it in before. And really, it only took a couple minutes to notice, we're so time driven here it's like we can't take time to notice the small things. So, I'm going to try and make a habit of doing that more, especially as I prepare to go to Haiti.
I hope everyone is having a nice Tuesday!


Erin Bennett said...

You make me want to come with you! Listen to Haiti for me. :) I feel like I'm there today--my classroom is a furnace. But add 32 7th grade bodies, and it's really more of a locker room.

Lisa said...

oh locker rooms, how I don't miss those days! :) yeah, it has been warm in our building. Guy put the a/c on, but i kept the windows open. it's much too early for the a/c... for me atleast! :)

david said...

I can't say I've ever thought about taking in the city before, usually that is what I try to avoid doing. I've taken in the sounds in the middle of the forest, or on a lake - maybe that is just easier to do. Cities always seem to busy and hectic to be looked at in a relaxed and reflective way, but I'll have to give it a shot.

You will have to post from Hati or at least maintain some notes to write back dated entries!

Lisa said...

That's a good idea. I'm definitely going to be journaling, but I never thought to post any when I get back. I may just do that. It could be a really good way to process it too.
(we definitely won't have access to computers in haiti :)) if that ever does happen on a youth miss. trip, i'm done! haha... jk... but it would be wild cause that's just the thing we're trying to get away from while there.

Oh, and about taking in the city... it's not so much about it being relaxing listening to horns honking in the city or dogs barking, it's more about stopping to notice what things you can hear, and in turn what stories they can tell you.

mjonthemove said...

Lisa, they have internet at Wall's guest house. AND say hi to Kolo, Bruno, and Jose. PLEASE!!! Maybe bring a picture of me. Those kids are so awesome. I really want to go to Haiti.

Lisa said...

Now that you mention it, I think I remember that. Okay, if they ever start letting the youth actually use them while on a missions trip, in my opinion that will be sad.
Mostly because it takes away from being comfort-less and in today's culture, these students(in general) couldn't imagine going a week without this stuff. I think you know where I'm comin' from so I'll leave it at that :).

I will try to remember a pic. of you, and will say Bonju to them. By the way, can I send a support letter your way(i don't have your mailing addy)... not expecting funds, but just to let ya know specific times/ prayer requests etc.

I wish you were going to Haiti too! Like I keep saying... it's going to be a very new and different trip for me!