Sunday, May 22, 2005

Shiver Me Timbers!

My pirate name is:

Calico Bess Rackham

Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color. You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from


Erin Bennett said...

I've done this before. I think I was Red Bess Cash. I don't remember what that means.
Here's a new one for you, though. You can take a test to find out what fantasy character you are most like. It's on Jan Bros' blog ( You have to scroll down a few posts. I was Princess Leia. It was exciting for me. Big temptation to wear my hair in big side braids today. :)

david said...

Avast scurvy dog! Ye call that a name? In all me days upon the seas me never come accross such grog-filled a pirate name!

Me dear ol mum, bless her black soul, gave me ta name Mad Robert Fishbuckle Obadiah Shadrac Rumblood Freeboot Slashmast Doubloon.

YAAaarrrRRRR!!!! Blimey in the highest, me thinks I sport the civilities of a lubberly boatswain, do I, for not scripting ye an account o' me forth-to-fore picaroonings on the high seas. With handsome humility I bequeath that ye scupper me prow for such scurvish conduct, me hearty, and set yer' ringflaps upon this tale most brackish. YAAaarrrRRRR!!!!

'Twas three-score seasons past that me cursed crew an' I set forth ere' the outer banks, our wretched brethren unawares to the impendable evils o' that black-fated commission. We was ne'er but a mermaid's moon into our raidin's and plunderin's when the crew was beset by a pox most foul, that none but a blessing o' the heavenly host might justly undo it's ill-full power. Avast, just as we was in our blimiest need of doctoring, a becalming sky descended forrard the strait, belaying such bilgesome air that the ship's compass might rightly pillow the slumberswain head o' an African elephant beast! YAAaarrrRRRR!!!! 'Twas then, me matey, that a boiling of the brain, brought on by a shortage of grog, smartly beset me loathsome first mate. GAAaaarRRR!!! A thousand iron gibbets could not contain Lord Johnny Silverlust Four-Finger the Red's treachery, once the skull fever took its hold. One by one, each hell-bound hand grew spell-crossed by his lunatictical ravings, and in a bubble's breath the voyage turned to mutiny! The first order of letter for the dogs was a thorough flogging of their former captain with a snake-toothed cat-o'-nine tails, followed by a barrelin' o' the salt, with what little remained in the galley. In the postforth blood-chased nights, I endured innumerable keelhaulings, a mainsail hair-hang, Satan's tar-chest, a rat box un-fingering, and a nanny-goat's litter of savage buccaneer tortures far too unholy for ink. GAAaaarRRR!!! The mere rememberings quarter-swab me liver and turn me skin to ash! The mutinous crimps' torturous treatment all but sent me to the cold cradle of Davy Jones, and when at last I un-lost me sensations, I was adrift on a shackleboard raft, with a musketball in me bowels and Lord Johnny Silverlust Four-Finger the Red's own dagger in me side...

Lisa said...

So, what you're saying is that your best friend's best friend stole your ringflaps. You tried to get em' back, but the darn Lord Johnny Silverlust Four-Finger the Red stabbed ya in the back in your ill fated attempt.

Sorry bout' that...


Lisa said...

my bad, i mean in yer side...

Anonymous said...

What buffoonerous blackheart be re-posting me darkest musings as his own? Foulness in the highest! David had best pray for mercy, for upon our next concursion he shall breath his last. Prepare ye to meet yer namesake in the brimey depths!

david said...

I'm a terrible plagiarizer! I couldn't resist posting such wonderful content. I should have credited you. Hard to believe that was over a year and a half ago.