Thursday, May 05, 2005

What I know....

So, it was interesting to hear some thoughts from you guys about my previous post. Some things were confirming... others just funny and out of that I learned that I should sometimes process my thoughts better when I really want an opinion, so you can interpret what I'm saying better. The main thing I wanted to point out was the whole idea that right now it seems that there has been a role reversal in society... I should have maybe stated that line... But of course writing about that spurred my mind into a spiral of other thoughts.

And, I just have to point out that it's interesting how men and women pick up on different things. It's true I went on about a lot of other things, but both comments were largely focused on what makes a date a date... that was really only a 1/4 of what I wrote. That's just what makes us unique to our genders I guess :).

One last thing to end that topic with...
- I do believe there are still gentlemen/chivalres men out there... That's all I really hope for, someone who will open doors and pull out chairs, be assertive and intentional when the time is right etc. I don't expect a fairy tale... but I know as it all unfolds, it will be great cuz it will be my story.

The End.


david said...

So it appears I didn't focus on what you were actually trying to say. I guess I'm the type of person that likes to think about concrete things, and defining dating seemed like the most concrete thing to work with.

I would agree with your point on role reversal. Overall there has been a trend to push the "feminization" of American males, wanting them to get in touch with their feelings and have cry sessions with eachother. While that kind of stuff is a little more extreme, I can easily see how a little of that has rubbed off on many guys out there. But like Matt said, I don't think guys are any less chiverous now than they were years ago.

In any event, you aren't asking too much to have a door opened for you. I'm sure you will find that guy, and when you do you will have your happily ever after.

Erin Bennett said...

What I that you are an amazing person with an even more amazing heart. You're a gem, and whether or not the man that comes along is instinctively a gentleman or needs a reminder or two, he will be a very lucky human being. I love you. :)

mjonthemove said...

OK. This is awesome. The previous two comments communicate my upcoming point perfectly. The guy continues to analyze and the girl seeks to validate.

This is done, NOT because men don't validate, or are clueless, or heartless, but because men don't seek validation by throwing out strings of questions without actually seeking the answers.

Women like to just get them (the questions) out there so women can validate, and let them know that their questions, feelings, and emotions are valid. Men are much more basic. They want answers.

So, when a guy asks, "Where are all of the girls that want me to be a man, and not be completely emasculated in this present day culture of ours?" He really wants to know. I would bet money that if a guy asked that question, and a person said, "Over there." That is is just where the man would be.

It speaks to a fundamental difference in how men and women communicate. In fact, men and women don't even use the same parts of their brain to communicate. Peace.