Thursday, May 26, 2005

Something resonated here...

I was reading "Esther" A Woman of Strength and Dignity by Charles Swindoll tonite and He wrote a paragraph that describes a bit of what I was trying to get at in my blogs about women's roles today, etc. It just felt good to read someone else's thoughts on it and maybe it will make more sense how he says it...

I feel great compassion today for the woman of God who has to endure the nonsense that comes from the media regaurding her role, her significance, her place in society. I don't know of anyone who has more right to be confused than the woman of today. She receives all sorts of answers, all sorts of mixed messages, all sorts of alleged proof that independence is the only way to fly and that doing your own thing and becoming what you please will bring you peace and lasting joy. Women must wonder at times, in the midst of this whirlwind, what exactly they are supposed to do. What exactly are they supposed to be.

I'm glad I know the God of this world and I know where He wants me and what I want to strive for, in His eyes. I know that my role is not defined by society or what they say is right or wrong, but I am human, so it is easy to forget those simple yet truthful things about me and about whose I am.

(so, maybe I should start a blog that is more for serious things, and another for the "random" thoughts that I have that aren't so serious... or maybe this makes for an interesting blog because you never know what tone it will take on... whatevah :))


mjonthemove said...

about the paragraph. I get defensive about phrases that encourage uniqueness of rights and position (ie. more right than anyone to be confused... mixed messages of the media...)

Our world is a tension between Good and Evil. I don't have a job for next year. I don't know where I'm going to live the year after that. I struggle, as do most guys on the planet, with lusting after those mixed media messages, which is confusing. Is it more confusing than your struggling with lusting after being like those mixed media messages?

I know. I know. Calm down, Glasshole. It just struck me.

Lisa said...

dude... like you said... chill...
it's not always about you!

it's not like i'm some women's rights psycho lunatic, and i know it wasn't something I wrote, but like i said it did speak to me so i do take it a little personally... i know it was something that just struck you... but know that i don't think men don't have struggles with the media/society either... i'm not trying to have a debate about the issue... it was just something that spoke to my heart...